At last, the madness of the weekend is over!
The ‘BBB’ on Sunday Birmingham is always a long day for us. It’s a full-on weekend altogether involving loading up the car with my stock and the substantial amount of display equipment, on a Saturday afternoon ready for a 4:30am start on Sunday morning to travel the 150 miles to the Nightingale Club in Birmingham.
Sunday was a long day, unloading the car at the venue, setting up the stand, working all day, and then breaking the stand down at 5pm and reloading the car. In fact this month we were so tired this time round that we decided to stop at our daughters in Hertfordshire, about 100 miles from Birmingham and stayed overnight.
We set off yesterday for the journey back to Somerset only to find a bad accident on the M5 motorway had caused it to be closed. The journey back home from Hertfordshire took 5 ½ hrs – perhaps the stay over at our daughters was not such a good idea after all! But at least we saw her and our Granddaughter (India) of 2 ½ going on 21! A recent ‘exchange of views’ with her resulted in me being told, “It’s my life” … where on earth did she get that from!
Anyway, I just wanted to express my deep thanks for all those who came along to the BBB Market on Sunday. The weather was not the best, to say the least, but it was great catching up with old friends, meeting new people and selling some wonderful items. It’s nice when you sell more of the corsets that you make than those that you ‘buy in’! The personal service that I am able to provide for made to measure Corsets, Lingerie and other items always excites me. The demos were 1st class at the market and there were lots of traders in attendance, selling fantastic goods. It all made for a great day. @_The_BBB_
I’m looking forward to seeing those that can make it at my next ‘Studio Open Day’ in Minehead on Sunday 6th August from 10am to 6pm. Studio address is: 17 Hilary Close, Carhampton, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6PQ. Do let me know if you are travelling some way and so I can make sure that refreshments are available for you when you arrive.
That’s about it for this month…now I must get back to making a Baby Pink Straight Jacket along with Hoodie with Cats Ears and Kittie paws! All in a day’s work!
Best wishes
Terri x
+44 (0)7710380307
